The project falls under Optional Block A.1 – Manufacturing components for the intelligent vehicle, and the transversal blocks: T.1 – Circular Economy Plan and T.2 – Digitalization. It is classified as an ‘Industrial Research’ project, under the line ‘Research, Development, and Innovation’.

The primary objective of the project is to create a new ecosystem of intelligent and multimodal mobility based on efficient and sustainable transportation. To achieve this, research will be conducted in two key areas:

  • Transformation of the automotive manufacturing industry towards a sustainable, digital model that incorporates Industry 4.0 principles.
  • Development of new alternative propulsion systems for vehicles, focusing on interconnected electrified systems with zero greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing the efficiency of urban and interurban mobility.


Title: Development of New High-Capacity Composite Materials and Design of Lighter Automotive Parts Based on Eco-Design and Recyclability. (Download poster)

File Number: VEC-020100-2022-264 and VEC-020400-2022-65 | Primary Project Code: PP21 | Main File: VEC-010000-2022-12


Title: Training Project for AVANZARE INNOVACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA in the Framework of the Electric and Connected Vehicle (Download poster)

File Number: VEC-020100-2022-264 and VEC-020400-2022-65 | Primary Project Code: PP21 | Main File: VEC-010000-2022-12


Title of the Main Project: “ECOMOVIL 23” Adaptation of the Automotive Sector to the Digital and Ecological Transition to Address the New Mobility Ecosystem.

Main File: VEC-010000-2022-12

Main Project Coordinator: Faurecia Interior Systems Salc España, S.L.

Project Type: Collective project involving AVANZARE, Nasika, and Zeplas.

La Rioja crece con Europa

The project falls under optional block A.1 – Manufacturing of components for the smart vehicle, and within the cross-cutting blocks: T.1 – Circular Economy Plan and T.2 – Digitalization. The project type is ‘Industrial Research,’ and the line is ‘Research, Development, and Innovation.’

The project’s objective is to conduct a research process on materials and interior lighting solutions for electric vehicles that do not require metallic wiring, are low in consumption, and lightweight. Specifically, a laser system will be used to create a conductive path integrated into the vehicle’s interior components. To make this possible, materials with high laser sensitivity will be developed for use in the manufacturing of vehicle interior components, and manufacturing processes for these components will be adapted. Additionally, the project includes the creation of prototypes to validate the technology and the development of recycling processes for various components of the electric vehicle.


Title: Research on Innovative Interior Lighting Solutions for Electric Vehicles (Download poster)
File Number: VEC-020100-2022-83 | Primary Project Code: PP21 | Lead Project File: VEC-010000-2022-2

Title: Cross-sectional Cooperative Training Project in the T.E.S.I.S. Project (Download poster)
File Number: VEC-020100-2022-83 | Primary Project Code: PP21 | Lead Project File: VEC-010000-2022-2


  • Collective project in which, in addition to NASIKA, Zeplas, and Avanzare Innovacion Tecnológica participate.
  • Project tractor title: T.E.S.I.S. – Transformation towards Electromobility and Industrial Sustainability Stellantis.
  • Interlocutor in the tractor: Opel Spain (Financial support for comprehensive actions in the industrial chain of electric and connected vehicles within the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation in the Electric and Connected Vehicle sector – PERTE VEC).
La Rioja crece con Europa
  • File number VEC-020100-2022-83


  • Tractor file: VEC-010000-2022-2


  • Primary project code: PP21


  • R&D+i projects in strategic areas, in public-private collaboration, from the State R&D&I Program Oriented to the Challenges of Society, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020.

The project is focused on applied research for the manufacturing of new composites with potential practical applications in the naval sector, which are entirely recyclable for subsequent reuse at the end of their useful life, through the application of new chemical recycling techniques (solvolysis).

Title: Applied research for the manufacturing of new lightweight and 100% recyclable structural composites for boat construction.


  • Collaborative project in which, in addition to NASIKA, Marina Barcelona 92, Magonis Boats, Incom Composites, and Glooers Technologies participate.
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  • File number: PNA-020100-2023-31


  • Primary project code: PP03
The main objective of this project is to increase the circularity of polymers through actions across their value chain, with the following partial objectives:

1. Implementation of more sustainable chemical recycling strategies for obtaining monomers and value-added molecules.
2. Synthesis of more sustainable polymers using monomers and building blocks from renewable resources or chemical recycling, following eco-design principles.
3. Increase knowledge transfer from research to the industry and enhance public awareness about the sustainability of plastics.

Title: Enhancing circularity by using renewable monomers and sustainable chemical strategies of polymer upcycling (SUSCHEMPOL)


  • Collaborative project coordinated by the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP) of the CSIC, involving NASIKA, Valoriza Servicios Medioambientales, the Institute of Coal Chemistry (ICB) of the CSIC, Gaiker Foundation, the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry (ICP) of the CSIC, Arkema Química, and Repsol.
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  • File number PLEC2021-007793


  • R&D&I projects in strategic areas, in public-private collaboration, from the State R&D&I Program Oriented to the Challenges of Society, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020.

With the ambition to address the energy transition challenges set in the PNIEC for distribution networks, AD-GRHID emerges with the aim of developing, validating, and demonstrating an integrated management platform, and the underlying technology, to increase the capacity to accommodate renewable energy resources in distribution networks through structuring them into AC/DC hybrid microgrids based on the hydrogen energy vector.

Title: Advanced technology to enhance the flexibility and resilience of distribution networks through renewable energy AC/DC hybrid microgrids, solid oxide electrolysis, fuel cells, and recyclable and sealed hydrogen storage (AD-GRHID).


  • Collective project coordinated by Magtel Operaciones, and in which, in addition to NASIKA, the companies H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies, Ingelectus Innovative Electrical Solutions, La Electrica de Villanueva de Córdoba, Premo, Protio Power, and Tequinson Servicios participate.
  • Subsidized by the CDTI.
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  • File number MIG-20221009


  • «Science and Innovation Missions Program»
    State Program to Catalyze Innovation and Business Leadership of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.

This company has received co-financed assistance from the European Regional Development Fund for the project of purchasing machinery, electrical installation, and other facilities. This project contributes to Objective OT3: Achieving a more competitive business fabric, under the Operational Programme ERDF of La Rioja 2014-2020.


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  • File number 2019-P-AFI-00030
    Investments for improvements in production lines.
  • File number 2018-I-IGE-00024
    Certification of standards and associated assets.
This company has received financial assistance funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, incorporated into the Operational Program of La Rioja ERDF 2014-2020 – Priority Axis: EP20. The objective is to promote recovery from the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and to prepare for a green, digital, and resilient recovery of the economy.


  • LR46 – Support for companies for the implementation of energy savings and efficiency projects..
    File number 2021-I-TEC-00001
    “Replacement of compressors and installation of photovoltaic systems.”
  • LR43 – Support for the digitization of SMEs.
    File number 2021-P-Tl4-00013
    “Connected Industry 4.0″ (Material and Immaterial Assets)”


Development of a new range of compounds with a high concentration of graphene-related materials (GRMs) in elastomeric matrices, allowing for ready-to-use concentrates for introduction into other matrices.

Title: Development and characterization of concentrates of two-dimensional materials and their integration into polymeric matrices.

  •  Industrial Ph.D. program – NASIKA – University of La Rioja.
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  • File number Industrial Ph.D. in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja

Development, adjustment, and implementation of a new industrial process for the production of polymer solutions of different nature in mineral oils, with the purpose of using them as viscosity index improvers in the production of lubricating oils.

Title: Development of new polymer solutions and implementation of a new production process.


  • Collective project coordinated by the Automotive Cluster of La Rioja, and in which, in addition to NASIKA, the companies Industrial Química Riojana and the Riojan Technological Center participate.
La Rioja crece con Europa
  • File number 2021-I-IDI-00035 Economic Development Agency of La Rioja
Development of a new line of pre-concentrates for the thermoplastic sector, allowing the introduction of minor additives without the need to create specific masterbatches for each material.

Title: New methodology for the preparation of universal pre-concentrates for the thermoplastic industry.


  • File number 2021-I-IDI-00028 Economic Development Agency of La Rioja
  • Individual Project